Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why your Website is Not #1

Why your Website is Not #1

"If you ain't first, you're last."
- Ricky Bobby, Talladega Nights

Why Being #1 is Important
Before we jump into the reasons your website is not ranked number one, let's remind ourselves why it is important in the first place. If there are 100 searches made by homeowners needing heating or air conditioning repair service, 60 of them will click the first website in the organic section.

It is that simple - the highest, organic ranked websites get the traffic.

How SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Works
Let's simplify the search engine mystery. Search engines try to find websites that are most relevant to the words being searched by a person. Search engines scan your website and remember the words that are on each page. If the words on your website match the words being searched, then you have a good chance of your website being on the search results list (this is called on-page optimization). Equally important, if other websites link to your website, while mentioning those same words, then you will rank even higher (this is called off-page optimization).

Focus on the Popular Words
The first step is to determine what words people are actually using to find your service. I will help you - "ac repair" - is one very popular search term for HVAC contractors. Therefore, if the company optimizing your website has not focused on the words "ac repair" then your website is missing the boat. This is the problem with not working with a company that is industry specific.

Not Enough Keywords
The real challenge is it is impossible to pick one word or phrase that covers everything a HVAC contractor does.
People use many different search terms, e.g. "AC Repair Houston", "Air Conditioning Contractor", etc. An optimal SEO strategy would ensure that your website is optimized for between five and ten key phrases (long tail keywords).

Not Just Your Company Name
I have had several HVAC contractors tell me that their website is optimized because when you searched on their name they came up first. Well, I would hope so. This is the first litmus test - if your website is not #1 for your company name, your website was not designed correctly. However, that aside, how do new customers, people that don't know your name, find you? Your website has to be optimized for the services and products they want.

Confusing SEM with SEO
SEM means Search Engine Marketing and SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Only 35% of potential clients will click on the Google Ads - SEM. The rest will click on the Organic search - SEO. With SEM, once you stop paying for advertising your website will no longer appear. Too many HVAC contractors mistake SEM for SEO and then wonder why their website is not found when the advertising campaign ends.

What the Heck is Off-Page Optimization?
Most HVAC contractors neglect the importance of links from other websites especially when the link to their website references the keyword being searched. In fact, on some search engines, this is even more important than if the website is optimized for the words being searched! There are good ways to build these links (White Hat) and bad ways (Black Hat). Seek out companies that only use White Hat techniques because websites using Black Hat techniques actually get penalized and deliberately assigned poor rankings by the search engines when discovered.

Stay the Course!
It takes anywhere from four to six months to see the fruits of your SEO labor and obtain a first page ranking. Using the right software to monitor progress is important so you don't lose your mind. Search engines have to evaluate millions upon millions of websites and they are always adjusting the method to their madness, so be patient. SEO is a long term strategy with a long-term and long lasting payoff when you are successful.

Plan Ahead
Since it takes four to six months to get results, it is wise to start planning for the winter. Think about the slow periods in your business and the service your customers typically request during these times - tune ups for example. Adjust the optimization strategy to reflect what your customers will need in the upcoming months and you will literally be ahead of the competition.

Money-Back Guarantee
Now for the shameless plug for my company - HVAC Business Solutions. We do everything discussed above and more. More importantly if we don't get you on the first page within 6 months, we give you every penny back. Give us a call and let us help your business grow online - 713-270-6400.

Next Issue
Our next email letter we will discuss how you can get SEO to pay for itself.

Brian Starzec
HVAC Business Solutions

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