Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5 Trends Shaping the Mobile Market

5 Trends Shaping the Mobile Market

Article Written By: Jeremy Lockhorn on February 7, 2012 at ClickZ

"The explosive growth of smartphones and the resulting tectonic shifts in consumer behavior continue to demonstrate the need for big marketers to pay attention and find ways to connect with their audiences on mobile devices (as if you haven't heard that before).

Here's a look at five important trends that will continue to shape this space - and the corresponding opportunities for marketers - in 2012."

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  1. Many people opt to use smart phones and other gadgets to access the internet. Why? It’s a matter of keeping connected while on the go, wherever you are, whenever you want. Mm.. I think it's just a matter of time before these gadgets takes over, as they are more and more innovative each and every outing.

    Richard Redmond

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